Make A Wish Starfish Stencil

Stencil Size

People wish on a star all the time. It's supposed to bring us whatever we wish for, especially when it's the first star seen at night or a shooting star. But surely there are other stars we can wish on, like a starfish. After all, these sea creatures are shaped just like a star and they are something we can actually get close to, even hold. That makes wishing on them easier than ever and that is the inspiration behind our Make A Wish Starfish stencil.

This stencil has the words “Make a wish upon a starfish” and there is a little starfish to finish off the beautiful design. It's fun, it's simple, and it's stunning all at once. And this is a design that would make great DIY art you can put in so many places. Paint it on a wall in your home, or perhaps in glow-in-the-dark paint on your child's bedroom ceiling. Paint it on the wall or glass at an aquarium where the starfish are kept. Make fun greeting cards or t-shirts.

The possibilities are endless thanks to the versatility of this stencil. Once you have chosen your project – yes, you need to do that first – you can order the stencil size you need from our range of sizes. Available sizes include:

  • 6” x 6”
  • 8” x 8”
  • 12” x 12”
  • 15” x 15”
  • 20” x 20”
  • 25” x 25”
  • 30” x 30”
  • 35” x 35”

Then you can get the type of paint that suits the surface material on which you are painting. From there, it's a matter of securing the stencil and creating your masterpiece. Use the design on its own, or pair it with another stencil design, such as our Starfish stencil. And when all is said and done, be sure to wash the stencil well after each use and store it in a safe place. Then you can use it over and over again for many years.

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