Unwind Arrow Stencil

Stencil Size

We live busy, hectic lives full of work, kids, errands, family, housework. It never seems to end and sometimes we need to remind ourselves to slow down and take a moment to breathe. That's what makes our Unwind Arrow stencil so perfect. The stencil has an arrow whose shaft contains the word “unwind.” You can use this stencil in so many ways to remind yourself to unwind and find a little downtime.

The Unwind Arrow stencil is perfect to create meaningful art to hang in your home or in the cottage. Hang it in your favorite reading nook or right in the entryway so you will be reminded to take some time to wind down after a long day at work. You can make many pieces of art and give them out to friends and family or you can sell them at craft shows. Paint it on wood, metal, canvas, or plastic. Heck, you can paint it right onto the wall if you want. As long as you have the right paint for the medium, you can paint it anywhere.

No matter what you want to do with this awesome design, we have you covered. We laser-cut each stencil with precision right in our own studio. The Unwind Arrow stencil comes in the following sizes:

  • 3” x 6”
  • 5” x 11”
  • 18” x 8”
  • 11” x 24”
  • 36” x 16”
  • 48” x 22”
  • 55” x 25”

Plus, we have a series of fabulous arrow stencils, such as the Thankful Arrow stencil, that you can use with this one or on their own. So, choose an awesome color, get your paint, and secure the stencil flat to the surface. Create your beautiful masterpiece, then wash the stencil in warm, soapy water and tuck it away until you need it again. This reusable stencil makes a great DIY investment.

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