Chevron Horizontal Stencil


Tired of looking at the same blank walls all the time? Why not spruce things up a bit with our fantastic Chevron Horizontal stencil. The chevron is a classic design in the shape of a “v” that has been in use since the time of ancient heraldry. Our Chevron Horizontal stencil provides a simple chevron pattern that you can apply to any surface, as long as you have the right paint for the medium. This includes walls, floor tiles, and concrete or wood surfaces.

The stencil design size is 34” x 30” and each chevron is 5.5” x 5.5”. If you want to cover an entire wall or floor it's so easy to do because it's easy to line the stencil registration marks up with what you have already painted.

Just imagine the fun you can have with the Chevron Horizontal stencil. You can choose a color that compliments the decor in your room, then secure the stencil flat and paint. You can cover a wall or floor in a professional-looking finish in record time. But you aren't restricted to a wall or floor inside your home. You can also paint exterior walls, concrete walkways, fences, and doors. Plus, you can use the chevron pattern as a backdrop for another design element or to decorate a set for a play or for something as fun as a haunted house.

There truly are no limits to what you can do with the Chevron Horizontal stencil, except those imposed by your own imagination. So, open up your imagination and let it take flight. And remember, the Chevron Horizontal stencil is 100% reusable, making it an investment in your DIY art and decor projects. Not to mention the fact that you can lend it to friends and family, so they can duplicate your incredible decor in their own homes.

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