Emoji Poop Stencil

Stencil Size

The poop emoji has to be the funniest, most ridiculous emoji on the digital planet. Seriously, who thought this one up? Yet, it has been embraced and loved ever since it came out. People even wear the poop emoji as a hat! And now, you can enjoy creating DIY projects with this incredible emoji, thanks to our Emoji Poop stencil.

The Emoji Poop stencil design looks just like the genuine poop emoji, complete with big eyes and a great big smile. The question is where will you paint this bad boy? On signs for a rally or protest? As graffiti art? On greeting cards or t-shirts? Will you bring it together with other Emoji stencils, such as the Emoji Winking Tongue Out stencil? Just imagine where you could use a big pile of poop! Maybe a cake? After all, the stencil is food-grade quality.

Honestly, no matter where you use the Emoji Poop stencil, people will get a kick out of it. So, choose your project and get the right paint for the surface material – in brown, of course. Then choose the right stencil size from our range of sizes, which includes:

  • 6” x 6”
  • 8” x 8”
  • 12” x 12”
  • 15” x 15”
  • 20” x 20”
  • 25” x 25”
  • 30” x 30”
  • 35” x 35”

Then all you need to do is paint that poop! Just secure the stencil and apply the paint with a spray, roller, or brush. The image left behind when you remove the stencil will be perfect and identical to the emoji on your phone. Then it's simply a matter of cleaning the stencil and tucking it safely away until you or someone you know needs it again. And it's pretty much guaranteed someone you know will want to borrow it.

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