Happy Halloween Pumpkin Stencil

Stencil Size

Pumpkins and Halloween go hand in hand and the tradition of carving the pumpkin is one that will live on, possibly forever. Whether you carve scary faces, fun faces, or get fancy with the carving kits and designs, you simply cannot go without carving at least one pumpkin every Halloween. It's also great to bring the pumpkin into your other Halloween decorating, which you can do with our incredibly fun Happy Halloween Pumpkin stencil.

What better way to say Happy Halloween than with this fun stencil, made with a font that just jumps out at you. This is an incredibly easy design to paint and you can have a professional-looking design in just a couple of minutes. Best of all, you can paint this stencil anywhere, as long as you are using the right type of paint for the medium. Combine that with the fact that this stencil comes in a range of sizes and you are set for whatever Halloween decorating comes your way. Available sizes include:

  • 5” x 6”
  • 8.5” x 11”
  • 18” x 12”
  • 24” x 18”
  • 36” x 24”
  • 48” x 32”
  • 55” x 35”

So, get out your poster board and make signs to advertise your Halloween party or dance. Paint this large on your living room window so that everyone who goes past your house can see it. Make wood or metal art you can hang in your home or sell at craft shows. Best of all, you can create a unique custom design when you combine this stencil with any of our other Halloween stencils, such as the Black Cat Halloween stencil.

So, when you are ready to get your Halloween decorating done, do it right with our Happy Halloween Pumpkin stencil. All you need to do is secure it and paint. Then be sure to wash it off and tuck it safely away because you will want to use it next year. And so will all your friends.

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