Mom Of The Bride Stencil

Stencil Size

Honestly, the mother of the bride is the second most important woman in attendance on the big day. She is honored with a corsage, a prime seat at the ceremony, and a spot at the head table or another special table during the reception. She is the mother who raised such a beautiful, wonderful woman who is joining lives with the man of her dreams. And to help honor the mother of the bride on the special day, we are bringing you the Mom Of The Bride stencil.

This stencil design has the words “Mom of the Bride” in a fancy script that is fun and classy all in one. It's one of our series of bridal party stencils, such as our Mom Of The Groom stencil, and it is the perfect stencil design to use when you want to show where the mother of the bride will sit at the wedding. You can attach it to the back of her seat at the ceremony. You can use it to create a place marker at the reception table. And you can put it on any material you want to use, whether that is paper, wood, metal, or something else.

All you need to create your tribute to the mother of the bride is the right paint for the medium and the right stencil size for the project. Stencil sizes include:

  • 5” x 6”
  • 5” x 11”
  • 18” x 12”
  • 24” x 18”
  • 36” x 24”
  • 48” x 32”
  • 55” x 35”

Of course, you also need to get the paint in one of the wedding colors. Then it's a matter of securing the stencil to the surface and applying the paint using a roller, brush, or spray. The resulting image will be perfect. And once you're finished, simply wash the stencil and save it for the next time there is a wedding with a mother of the bride.

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