Only a Morning Person on Christmas Stencil

Stencil Size

If you're not a morning person, we totally get it. You drag yourself out of bed at the last possible moment and if it's the weekend, forget about it. But there is one day of the year when it's a little easier to get up. Maybe you are still excited on your own, or maybe you have kids that come running into your room and jump onto your bed. Regardless, our Only A Morning Person On Christmas stencil is ideal for you.

This stencil says the words “I Am Only Morning Person On Christmas” In a fun font with some swirling lines and a little evergreen tree. It's simply perfect for so many people that we're sure you have at least one person in your life who would appreciate this phrase. So, why not make some great art with it. Or stencil it onto a t-shirt or an apron. Whatever you choose to do with it, we've got you covered with our range of stencil sizes, which includes:

  • 5” x 6”
  • 5” x 11”
  • 18” x 12”
  • 24” x 18”
  • 36” x 24”
  • 48” x 32”
  • 55” x 35”

So, choose the colors that will really make this design pop, and for goodness sake, make sure the paint is right for the medium. You don't want to be using fabric paint on a window. And if you want to check out some other fun holiday sayings, how about our Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal stencil.

When it's time to paint, secure the stencil to the surface and paint. You will love the results, and once you are done, you can clean the stencil and tuck it away until the next time you're a morning person – yes, we're talking about next Christmas.

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