Sewing Mends The Soul Stencil

Stencil Size

Whether you are crafty, or you just need to fix that ripped seem in your t-shirt, sewing is an indispensable skill to have. However, what is a skill everyone should be practiced in, there are those people who absolutely love sewing. They know their way around a sewing machine and can make anything under the sun. It is for these people that we created our Sewing Mends The Soul stencil.

This stencil has the words “Sewing mends the soul” surrounding a beautiful, ornate sewing machine. It's seriously such a fun design, it might turn the sewer in your life into a stenciling fiend. You can create a beautiful piece of art for the person who sews, something they can hang on the wall of their sewing room. Or get them to make a t-shirt and paint this design on it.

No matter what you choose to do, be sure to use the right paint for the medium. This way, you can paint on any surface, such as walls and windows (think sewing supply store), fabric, wood, metal, canvas, plastic, and more. Of course, we also offer the stencil in the following range of sizes so you will be sure to find the right size for your project:

  • 5” x 6”
  • 5” x 11”
  • 18” x 12”
  • 24” x 18”
  • 36” x 24”
  • 48” x 32”
  • 55” x 35”

When it comes time to paint, just secure the stencil and go to it. You can be finished painting before the sewer is finished a single seem (or two). Then wash the stencil and store it away in a safe place until you or someone you know needs it again. It's such a fun stencil, we know you'll use it more than once.

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